Professional Certification Program

The NACVSA Professional Certification Program was created to recognize those examiners who have invested time and effort in mastering the use of the CVSA.

There are four Professional Certification Levels for CVSA Examiners offered by the NACVSA, as follows:

Certified Examiner

Senior Examiner

Expert Examiner

Master Examiner

The criteria for each certification level are listed below.  After completing the necessary requirements, the examiner will submit a formal letter to NACVSA and should outline the qualifications point by point.  Any supporting materials should be enclosed with the letter.  The submission will then be reviewed by the NACVSA for consideration.

Certified Examiner

All persons who successfully complete the Certified Examiners Course (CEC) as offered by NITV Federal Services will be awarded the NACVSA status of Certified CVSA Examiner upon attaining membership in the NACVSA.

Senior Examiner

To apply for recognition as a Senior CVSA Examiner, the applicant must meet the following minimum qualifications/criteria:

  • Be a member in good standing of the NACVSA.
  • Complete an NITV Federal Services approved CEC, as recognized by NACVSA.
  • Be currently listed by NITV Federal Services as a Certified CVSA Examiner in good standing.
  • Be a Certified CVSA Examiner for a minimum of three (3) years.
  • Complete a minimum of one (1) authorized NITV Federal Services/NACVSA re-certification class within a two (2) year period of the date of application.
  • Provide documented proof of the successful completion of a minimum of one hundred (100) CVSA examinations during the five (5) calendar years prior to the date of application.
  • Submission of a current (less than one-year old) video-recorded CVSA examination on a flash drive for evaluation by NACVSA. The examination can be any accepted CVSA test format selected by the applicant. The video must demonstrate the applicant’s expertise as a CVSA Examiner by employing all proper protocols for CVSA examinations as taught by NITV federal Services.
  • Payment of an application and processing fee of $95 to the NACVSA.
  • Retesting – If retesting is required for the video portion of the application a processing a fee of $45 per retest will be charged by the NACVSA.

Expert Examiner

To apply for recognition as an Expert Examiner, the applicant must meet the following minimum qualifications/criteria:

  • Be a member in good standing of the NACVSA.
  • Complete an NITV Federal Services approved CEC, as recognized by NACVSA.
  • Be currently listed by NITV Federal Services as a Certified CVSA Examiner in good standing.
  • Be a Certified CVSA Examiner for a minimum of six (6) years and a Senior CVSA Examiner for a minimum of one (1) year.
  • Complete a minimum of two (2) authorized NITV Federal Services/NACVSA re-certification or advanced classes. The most recent re-certification/advanced class must have been completed within two (2) years prior to the date of application.
  • Provide documented proof of the successful completion of a minimum of two hundred and fifty (250) CVSA examinations since becoming a Certified CVSA Examiner.
  • Submission of a current (less than one-year old) video-recorded CVSA examination on a flash drive for evaluation by NACVSA. The examination can be any accepted CVSA test format selected by the applicant. The video must demonstrate the applicant’s expertise as a CVSA Examiner by employing all proper protocols for CVSA examinations as taught by NITV Federal Services.
  • Completion of a minimum of one hundred (100) hours of advanced POST Certified training in a field related to the CVSA examination process and accepted by NACVSA.
  • Payment of an application and processing fee of $145 to the NACVSA.
  • Retesting – If retesting is required for the video portion of the application a processing a fee of $45 per retest will be charged by the NACVSA.


Master Examiner

To apply for recognition as a Master Examiner, the applicant must meet the following minimum qualifications/criteria:

  • Be a member in good standing of the NACVSA.
  • Complete an NITV Federal Services approved CEC, as recognized by NACVSA.
  • Be currently listed by NITV Federal Services as a Certified CVSA Examiner in good standing.
  • Be a Certified CVSA Examiner for a minimum of ten (10) years and an Expert CVSA Examiner for a minimum of one (1) year.
  • Hold a minimum of a four-year degree from a regionally accredited college or university.
  • Provide documented proof of the successful completion of a minimum of five hundred (500) CVSA examinations since becoming a Certified CVSA Examiner.
  • Completion of an Independent Research Project (IRP) approved by and conducted under the supervision of one or more members of the NACVSA Educational Committee. The IRP must further the profession, technology or science associated with the CVSA to the benefit of the community of CVSA Examiners, and must be accepted by the NACVSA Educational Committee and submitted for publication before the designation of Master Examiner is awarded.
  • The NACVSA considers the IRP and Master CVSA Examiner designation to be the capstone of its Professional Certification Program. The IRP is a comprehensive research task in which applied research theory intersects with real-world CVSA application. All applicants are required to devote a considerable amount of time in defining, refining and shaping their IRP. The major criterion for the IRP is that the end-product integrates expert-level applied research rigor in the areas of review of literature, research design, and appropriate methodology. Showing mastery of the applied research process ensures applicants are consumers of pertinent literature at a level that ensures their ability to adapt and apply the skills of a research professional for the greater good of the CVSA Professional Community. Certification as a Master Examiner implies the applicant can function as a Subject Matter Expert regarding voice stress analysis and related disciplines. It is essential that he/she perfect appropriate research skills because he/she will be expected to use them to advance the profession once the Master Examiner Certification is awarded.
  • Payment of an application and processing fee of $195 to the NACVSA at time of application, and payment of an additional $95.00 for the professional review/acceptance of the submitted research.