Cold Call List Membership

INSTRUCTIONS AND DISCLAIMER: Please complete the following enrollment request form to become a member of the NACVSA L-List. The NACVSA L-List was established as a professional development tool for the exclusive use of current NITV Certified CVSA Examiners, and is not open to others. The identities of all L-List members must be verified by the NACVSA as current CVSA Examiners in good standing prior to being granted access to the L-List. Please be advised that neither the NACVSA nor the NITV are responsible for any CVSA examination evaluations or cold calls provided on the L-List. All evaluations and cold calls provided on the L-List are considered to be the opinions of those examiners responding to cold call requests. The FACT® Scoring System (scoring algorithm) is the most accurate means of obtaining a cold call. Additionally, the NITV is available to provide cold calls to all current clients.