
The NACVSA is the only nationally recognized association that specifically supports CVSA Examiners, and offers a Professional Certification Program. NACVSA also actively monitors legislation in ALL 50 states to protect the members of the voice stress analysis profession. No other VSA-related organization provides this full range of services to its members.

In addition to our US membership, worldwide the NACVSA represents over 3,000 law enforcement and investigative agencies and thousands of criminal justice professionals.

Further, the National Association of Computer Voice Stress Analysts is the only professional association in the world exclusively dedicated to supporting CVSA Examiners. The NACVSA does so by providing CVSA-related continuing education and professional development programs, by upholding professional standards, by monitoring legislation, by advocating on behalf of CVSA Examiners, and by acknowledging the expertise of individual CVSA Examiners through the National Association of Computer Voice Stress Analysts Professional Certification Program.

Members Benefits

The NACVSA offers all members the following benefits:

100% dedicated support for Certified CVSA Examiners only – no other organization in the world can make this claim.
A trained and professional staff to support our members.
The NACVSA offers a 15% discount to members for all CVSA training offered by both the NACVSA and the NITV Federal Services. The one-time use of this benefit will pay for your annual membership!

The NACVSA is the only professional organization in the world to offer a manufacturer-sanctioned Advanced Professional Certification Program exclusively for Certified CVSA Examiners. In addition to manufacturer’s “CVSA Certified Examiner” designation, the NACVSA also offers the following advanced certification levels:

  1. CVSA Senior Examiner
  2. CVSA Expert Examiner
  3. CVSA Master Examiner
Since its inception, the NACVSA has monitored legislation on a weekly basis in all 50 states and the federal government that could impact on CVSA Examiners. The NACVSA uses a Washington DC-based legislative monitoring service to accomplish this task, and has successfully blocked polygraph-related legislative initiatives in a number of states which were designed to limit the use of VSA technologies or that could have harmed the CVSA profession.
The NACVSA has a highly-qualified Educational Coordinator to oversee professional development programs, educational grants and CVSA-related research activities.
The NACVSA has an ongoing project to obtain POST Certification or its equivalent in as many states as possible for CVSA-related training courses to ensure our members receive full credit for all NACVSA-sponsored courses.

The NACVSA manages an on-line Cold Call List, available 24X7, which is on our website (, and available at no charge for use by all Certified CVSA Examiners, both members and non-members.

The NACVSA recognizes CVSA Examiners for their special accomplishments through our Professional Excellence Award Program.
The NACVSA ensures professional training and technical standards are upheld and maintained for all CVSA professionals, and works to minimize the harm caused by the teaching of unproven and/or unsanctioned CVSA techniques.

The NACVSA Professional Certification levels were created to recognize those examiners who have invested time and effort in mastering the use of the Computer Voice Stress Analyzer. There are four Professional Certification Levels for CVSA Examiners offered by NACVSA: Certified Examiner; Senior Examiner; Expert Examiner; and Master Examiner.